Jumat, 29 April 2011

Garuda Indonesia and BII Jalin Cash Management Cooperation

PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk ("Garuda") and PT Bank Internasional Indonesia Tbk ("BII"), today Wednesday, April 2011 lalumenjalin cooperation in the field of Cash Management. Through this partnership, Garuda appoint BII as one of the payee bank Garuda ticket from a travel agency partners (sub-agent) Garuda. The signing of this cooperation is conducted by the Director of Corporate Banking BII, Rahardja Alimhamzah. and Director of Marketing & Sales (Executive) Garuda, M. Arif Wibowo.

With this partnership, the partners travel agents (sub-agent) Garuda can pay the ticket without having to come to the bank. Ticket Payment can be made onlinemelalui Garuda CoOLPAY BII, which is Gatewayberbasis Internet Payment solutions. The development facilities in line with CoOLPAY BII BII transformation program that is currently entering the phase of the development of superior products by strengthening the basic fundamentals, where BII will continue to develop and market products and superior service to the community, including Cash Management.

Such cooperation is intended to provide convenience for the sub agentGaruda partners in making payments, and thus, can also monitor payment Garuda plane ticket from the sub agentserta receive transaction reports online, realtime. "We have the knowledge and experience in the provision of cash management services. Through this cooperation AgentGaruda Indonesia Travel partners can more easily make payments without having a ticket to come to the Bank, "Rahardja said. "Through business process solutions CoOLPAY BII between Garuda Indonesia with its travel agent partners will be more quickly and efficiently," he added.

Cooperation with Garuda has also become part of BII an effort to continue to provide convenience to its customers travel agents. In this cooperation, travel plane tickets agentdapat make payments more quickly and efficiently through BII CoOLPAY. Travel agents can also perform other airline ticket payment, insurance and other payment needs through BII.

Meanwhile, Director of Marketing & Sales (Executive) M. Garuda Indonesia Arif Wibowo said that cooperation with the BII is one of Garuda's efforts in improving services to the sub agent. "Through the BII CoOLPAY, ticketing sub-agent can be done online, so make them more efficient and Garuda also can monitor their sales in real time," Arif added.

Besides working with major travel agents, Garuda has also worked with partners who become sub-agents distribution channels Garuda products. Garuda currently working with 2700 sub-agents that are spread out all over Indonesia through online sales system "Garuda Online Sales".